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Buzzers can make your creations more interesting by adding sounds and musics.
Buzzer Blocks
Sample Program: Buzzer and Frequencies
The buzzer can be controlled using frequencies.
Refer to this page for more information about frequencies and notes: https://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html
Sample Program: Stopping the Buzzer
Press A and the buzzer will sound continuously, press B to stop the sound.
Sample Program: Playing Notes
Plays the 8 stand notes.
Sample Program: Making your own Melodies
Using c4:2 as an example
C is the note played
4 is the octave
:2 is the duration in beats
Sample Program: Playing Preset Melodies
Plays a few preset melodies.
Sample Program: Affecting the BPM
The BPM slowly increases.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at Discord, we will always be there to help.
KittenBot Team
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