Learn result MakeCode
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Zombie Game
Use a torch to kill the jumping zombies. Assemble with LEGO bricks and control it with micro:bit.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Piano
Control the note by sliding the panel back and forth, turn the potentiometer to control the major with this project.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Quiz Machine
Press the button to answer the question. See how to build this quiz machine in this article.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Rhythm Machine
Make a device that plays music and change its rhythm by turning the potentiometer.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Safe
A small safe can be easily built with some cardboards and LEGO bricks, and controlled by Micro:bit. See how to assemble and program it here.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Swinging Fan
A fan that could change the level when the temperature changes. Use your Micro:bit and LEGO bricks to make one.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - NightLight
Always get up at night and cannot find the switch to turn on the light? Don't worry, we can make a smart nightlight.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Plant Helper
Do you love plants? We can build a plant assistant to help monitor the soil moisture so that we can water our plants more precisely.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Smart Airer
This is a smart airer controlled by Micro:bit that can retract whenever it detects water on the sensor. Learn how to assemble and code it in this article.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Anti-Covid Assistant
An assistant that prevent people getting too close to each other when lining up controlled by Micro:bit. Learn to program it with MakeCode here.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Radio
Have you ever used a radio? Try to make a simulated one with some cardboards and LEGO bricks and control it with Micro:bit!
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Birthday Candles
Make some birthday candles with the Sugar LED modules. Learn to assembly it and program it with MakeCode.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Fire Alarm
A fire alarm made with cardboard and controlled by Micro:bit? How to make it work? Check out this article to figure it out.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Traffic Lights
Build a traffic light with Sugar buttons, LEGO bricks and control it with Micro:bit and Robotbit. Learn to code and assemble it in this article.