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Micro:bit Creator Kit - Rhythm Machine

Micro:bit Creator Kit - Rhythm Machine

Make a device that plays music and change its rhythm by turning the potentiometer.

Meowbit Guide 13 - Neopixel

Meowbit’s screen can be programmed with Kittenblock to display various text or shapes.

Meowbit Guide 12 - Turtle (Kittenblock)

Turtle Academy is a programming tool designed for children, Turtle is also available on Meowbit in Kittenblock.

Meowbit Guide 11 - IObit

Meowbit can be used in conjunction with an IOBit to achieve even more possibilities.

Meowbit Guide 10 - Neopixel

Meowbit can also be programmed to control Neopixel LED strips, such as the one on Robotbit.
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Safe

Micro:bit Creator Kit - Safe

A small safe can be easily built with some cardboards and LEGO bricks, and controlled by Micro:bit. See how to...
Micro:bit Creator Kit - Swinging Fan

Micro:bit Creator Kit - Swinging Fan

A fan that could change the level when the temperature changes. Use your Micro:bit and LEGO bricks to make one.