Meet Sugar AI Robot
The KittenBot Sugar AI Robot is a versatile, modular AI educational robot designed to bring AI technology education, such as machine learning, into primary and secondary schools. It supports various AI innovative application teachings, including machine learning, feature classification, machine vision, voice recognition, AI chat, and autonomous driving.

AI / IoT / Programming / Control
Use Kittenblock (Based-on Scratch) to program the robot and achieve control over it. In terms of AI creation experience, allow students to master the complete process of material collection, training, and recognition to create an AI. This can be applied to projects and competitions.
Unveiling the World of AI Robotics
About The Robot

Unveiling the World of AI Robotics
About The Robot
Sugar AI Robot is a technologically designed artificial intelligence robot with Wi-Fi image transmission capability. It can interact with programming software, creating numerous rich application possibilities. It is equipped with four grayscale sensors and a distance sensor, and supports expandable IO electronic modules, allowing users to create fun and intelligent interactive projects.