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Import FutureBoard Library
Import the Library to make use of its functions.
from future import * |
07: WiFi & IoT
1. Connect to WiFi
wifi.connect('router','password') |
FutureBoard can only connect to wireless networks with 2.4GHz frequency.
2. Get the Connection Status
wifi.sta.isconnected() |
Returns 1 if FutureBoard is connected to the network, 0 if not.
3. Get the Connection Configuration
wifi.sta.ifconfig() |
Returns a list with the configuration including IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Domain.
4. Get the MAC Address
import machine |
Returns the physical address of the FutureBoard.
Sample Program 1~4
#/bin/python |
Import MQTT Library
import mqttsimple |
MQTT operations require the mqttsimple library.
5. Set up an MQTT object
myMQTT = mqttsimple.MQTTClient(server,client_id,port=0,user=None,password=None,keepalive=0,ssl=False,ssl_params={}) |
Creates an object with the connection to the MQTT Broker.
For most brokers, insert the host address into server and the client id into client_id.
For some brokers, please refer to the broker’s documentations for the details required to connect to the server.
6. Connect to the MQTT Server
myMQTT.connect() |
7. Disconnect the MQTT Server
myMQTT.disconnect() |
8. Subscribe to a MQTT Topic
myMQTT.subscribe(topic=) |
Fill in the topic name according to the documentation of the MQTT Broker.
9. Publish a Message to a MQTT Topic
myMQTT.publish(topic,msg) |
Fill in the message and topic name according to the documentation of the MQTT Broker.
10. Read the Message from the MQTT Topic
myMQTT.mqttRead(topic) |
Fill in the topic name according to the documentation of the MQTT Broker.
11. Read the Last Message of the MQTT Topic
myMQTT.check_msg() |
12. Wait until a MQTT Message is Published
myMQTT.wait_msg() |
13. Define MQTT Event Trigger Function
def myFunction(topic,msg): |
Sample Program 1
import mqttsimple |
Sample Program 2
import mqttsimple |
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