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Please refer to this page on how to utilize the various functions of the KOI using micropython.
Importing KOI library
from koi import * |
LCD Orientation
lcd.rotation(0) |
Changes LCD orientation.
- 0 for front facing, 1 for back facing.
Drawing Strings
drawString(x, y, string, delay) |
Draws a string on the LCD.
- X, Y: Coordinates represent top left corner of string.
- String: String.
- Delay: Text duration.
Taking and showing pictures
img.save("s1.jpg") |
Taking and showing pictures.
Getting button values
btnAValue() |
Obtains button values.
- Returns 1 when pressed, 0 when not pressed.
Sample Program
#/bin/python |
Image Classifier
Initiate Classifier
cla.reset() |
Initiates the classifier.
Feature extraction
cla.addImage("tag") |
Extract features and add tag.
- tag: object name, maximum 40 items, 40 pictures
Image Classifying
cla.getImageTag() |
Classify the image, returns tag.
Classifier Event Triggers
while cla.getImageTag()=='tag': |
Triggers an event on classification.
Saving and Loading Classifier Models
cla.save("abc.json") |
Save or load classifier models.
Sample Program
#Model Training |
#Model Running |
Face Detection
Classifier Event Triggers
yoloinit() |
Load face model.
Track face
trackface() |
Tracks the face, returns a list.
Sample Program
#/bin/python |
Geometric Shape Tracking
Track Lines
findLines() |
Find lines, returns a list.
Track Circles
findCircle(threshold) |
Find circles, returns a list.
- threshold: adjust this value to adjust sensitivity, default is 4000.
Track Rectangles
findRect(threshold) |
Find rectangles, returns a list.
- threshold: adjust this value to adjust sensitivity, default is 4000.
Sample Program
from koi import * |
Color Blob Tracking
Calibrates Color
colorCalibrate() |
Calibrates color for tracking.
Finds Color Blob
findBlob() |
Finds color blob, returns a list.
Finds Line
findLinearRegress() |
Finds line, returns a list.
Sample Program
from koi import * |
Barcode and QR code Recognition
QR Code Recognition
findQRCode() |
Finds QR code, returns content of QR code.
Barcode Recognition
findBarcode() |
Finds Barcode, returns content of barcode.
AprilTag Recognition
findAprilTag() |
Finds Apriltag, returns content of Apriltag.
Sample Program
from koi import * |
Voice Recognition
Record and Play
speech.recordWav('hi.wav') |
Records and plays a wav file.
Calibrates Noise Level
speech.noiseTap() |
Calibrates the noise level, mandatory before voice recognition.
Adds Voice Command
speech.addCommand('hi') |
Adds a voice command.
Recognizes Voice Command
speech.getCommand() |
Recognizes and returns the command.
Saves Voice Model
speech.saveClass('name.json') |
Saves the voice model.
Loads Voice Model
speech.loadClass('name.json') |
Loads the voice model.
Sample Program
# Rec and Play |
#Voice Recognition |
Connecting to WiFi
wifi.joinap(str("apname"),str("password")) |
Connects to WiFi.
IP Address
wifi.ipaddr() |
Return IP address.
Connects to MQTT Broker.
wifi.mqtthost(host) |
Connects to MQTT Broker.
- host: MQTT host address
Subscribes Topic
wifi.mqttsub(topic) |
Connects to MQTT Broker.
- topic: topic to subscribe
Publishes Message to Topic
wifi.mqttsub(topic, message) |
Publishes a message to topic.
- topic: topic to publish.
- message: message to publish.
Reads MQTT message
wifi.mqttread(topic) |
Reads topic message.
- topic: topic to read from, returns a list.
Sample Program
from koi import * |
Face Recognition
Face Recognition
face=baiduFace(op=1) |
Runs face recognition once.(WiFi required)
Face Parameters
face['parameter'] |
Returns result from face recognition.
- face_token: unique face token for each face
- location: coordinates, size of face
- gender: gender of person
- expression: emotion of person
- angle: tilt angle of face
- mask: true if person is wearing a mask
- age: age of person
Adding Faces to a Group
baiduFace(op=2, token=face['face_token'], group="group", name="name") |
Adds a face to the face group.
Searching Faces from a Group
baiduFace(op=3, token=face['face_token'], group="group") |
Searches a face from a group, returns name and confidence.
Sample Program
from koi import * |
Q1: KOI’s display is laggy.
A1: Please enable the screen refresh.
Q2: KOI does not run the program I uploaded.
A2: Please restart the KOI because it was still running the original main.py.
Q3: Can I connect other modules using the 4-Pin Port?
A3: No, this port is for connecting to Micro:bit only.
Q4: KOI’s LCD is reversed.
A4: Please use the LCD orientation command.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at Discord, we will always be there to help.
KittenBot Team